Posizione X:
Posizione Y:
X :
Y :
Posizione X:
Posizione Y:
X :
Y :


A simple JoyStick that use HTML5, Canvas and JavaScript, for touch and mouse interfaces (no JQuery required).

The project is available at https://github.com/bobboteck/JoyStick.

The left JoyStick (in red square) is an example that use default parametrs, the right JoyStick (in blue square) instead use same custom parameters, specifically the title and the autoReturnToCenter disabled, this also uses CSS class instead inline style.

NOTE: currently the JoyStick does not work correctly if inserted in a Table tag, to put more than one JoyStick on a single line it is recommended to create a structure with the Div, as in this example page.

Posizione X:
Posizione Y:
X :
Y :